Ad-hoc 2006-05-10

Sixt increases share capital by issuing preference shares

Sixt Aktiengesellschaft / Issue of EquityAd-hoc-Announcement according to § 15 WpHG transmitted by DGAP - a company of EquityStory AG.The issuer is solely responsible for the content of this announcement.----------------------------------------------------------------------Pullach, 10 May 2006 – The Managing Board of Sixt AG, with the approval ofthe Supervisory Board, resolved this morning to increase the Company'sshare capital by partially utilising authorised capital. The companyintends to issue up to 2,238,250 new no-par value preference bearer shareswith a nominal value of EUR 2.56 each and carrying full dividend rightsfrom 1 January 2005. Sixt AG is utilising a corresponding authorisation bythe Ordinary General Meeting on 13 August 2003 for the corporate action.The shares will be offered today by Commerzbank AG as part of aninternational private placement with institutional investors in Germany andin other European countries at a price close to the market price.Shareholders’ pre-emptive subscription rights have been disapplied. The newpreference shares will be admitted to the Official Market on the Frankfurtam Main and Munich stock exchanges. Inclusion in the existing pricedetermination is planned for 16 May 2006.The transaction will increase the Company's share capital by up to EUR5,729,920 from EUR 57,816,320 up to EUR 63,546,240 (max. 9.9%), which willthen be composed of 16,472,200 no-par value ordinary shares and up to8,350,550 non-voting no-par value preference bearer shares. Through thiscapital increase the number of preference shares will be increased by up to36.6%.Sixt AG is using the capital increase to leverage the generally positiveenvironment on the stock markets and increased interest by internationalinvestors in mobility stocks. The Company's equity will be strengthenedahead of the Group's planned international growth.For further information, please contact: Frank ElsnerFrank Elsner Kommunikation für Unternehmen GmbH,Phone: ++49 – (0) 54 04 – 91 92 0Fax: ++49 – (0) 54 04 – 91 92 29DGAP 10.05.2006 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Language:     EnglishIssuer:       Sixt Aktiengesellschaft              Zugspitzstraße 1              82049 Pullach DeutschlandPhone:        +49 - (0)5404 9192-0Fax:          +49 - (0)5404 9192-29email:        office@elsner-kommunikation.deWWW:          www.elsner-kommunikation.deISIN:         DE0007231326WKN:          723132indices:      SDAXListed:       Amtlicher Markt in Frankfurt (Prime Standard), München;              Freiverkehr in Berlin-Bremen, Hannover, Düsseldorf, Hamburg,              Stuttgart; Foreign Exchange(s) London End of News                                     DGAP News-Service ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
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