Ad-hoc 2006-11-16

Best quarterly result in Sixt Group’s history

Sixt Aktiengesellschaft / Quarter ResultsAd hoc announcement according to § 15 WpHG transmitted by DGAP - a company of EquityStory AG.The issuer is solely responsible for the content of this announcement.----------------------------------------------------------------------Pullach, 16 November 2006 – The Sixt Group has reported record operatingrevenue and earnings for the third quarter of 2006, thus continuing itspositive performance of the first six months. In the period from July toSeptember 2006, the international mobility services provider’s consolidatedoperating revenue from rental and leasing business was EUR 313.6 million,an increase of 15.6% compared to the prior-year period (EUR 271.4 million).In Q3 2006, profit before taxes (EBT) grew by 21.0% to EUR 34.9 million (Q32005: EUR 28.8 million), outstripping the growth in revenue. This is thehighest operating revenue and the highest EBT the Group has ever achievedin a single quarter.In the first nine months, consolidated operating revenue amounted to EUR903.3 million, 13.9% more than in the same period of 2005 (EUR 793.4million). Primarily as a result of intensified sales activities, Sixtcontinues to experience significant growth in its business, particularlyabroad. Total consolidated revenue for the first nine months (includingrevenue from used leasing vehicle sales, which can fluctuate substantiallyin some cases) rose by 7.0% to EUR 1.09 billion, after EUR 1.02 billion inthe same period of the previous year.At EUR 97.2 million, consolidated profit before taxes (EBT) for the firstnine months rose by 48.9% on the previous year's figure (EUR 65.3 million).Consolidated profit after taxes and minority interests increased by 55.7%to EUR 59.5 million in the same period (Q1-3 2005: EUR 38.2 million).Revenue from rental business in the Vehicle Rental Business Unit totalledEUR 648.8 million in the first nine months of 2006, compared to EUR 571.2million in the same period of the previous year (+13.6%). EBT was up 61.2%,from EUR 52.6 million to EUR 84.8 million. The Leasing Business Unit’srevenue from leasing activities rose by 14.5% to EUR 254.5 million (Q1-32005: EUR 222.2 million). EBT declined slightly by 4.3% to EUR 10.9 million(Q1-3 2005: EUR 11.4 million), due to a one-off effect in Q2.On the basis of developments to date in the fourth quarter, the ManagingBoard remains very optimistic for full-year 2006. The Board has confirmedits previous expectations for consolidated operating revenue in full andhas raised its earnings expectations once more. Consolidated operatingprofit is expected to grow by more than the previously forecasted 25% fromits 2005 base.For further information, please contact: Harald EhrenHead of Corporate CommunicationsTel.: ++49 – (0) – 89 – 7 44 44 42 40Fax: ++49 – (0) – 89 – 7 44 44 8 42 40 Frank ElsnerFrank Elsner Kommunikation für Unternehmen GmbHTel.: ++49 – (0) 54 04 – 91 92 0Fax: ++49 – (0) 54 04 – 91 92 29DGAP 16.11.2006 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Language:     EnglishIssuer:       Sixt Aktiengesellschaft              Zugspitzstraße 1              82049 Pullach DeutschlandPhone:        +49 - (0)5404 9192-0Fax:          +49 - (0)5404 9192-29E-mail:       office@elsner-kommunikation.deWWW:          www.elsner-kommunikation.deISIN:         DE0007231326WKN:          723132Indices:      SDAXListed:       Amtlicher Markt in Frankfurt (Prime Standard), München;              Freiverkehr in Berlin-Bremen, Hannover, Düsseldorf, Hamburg,              Stuttgart; Foreign Exchange(s) London End of News                                     DGAP News-Service ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
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