Ad-hoc 2012-03-14

Ad-hoc disclosure in accordance with section 15 WpHG

Ad-hoc disclosure in accordance with section 15 WpHG
(German Securities Trading Act)
Sixt AG, Zugspitzstrasse 1, D-82049 Pullach/Germany
WKN: 723132, ISIN: DE0007231326
WKN: 723133, ISIN: DE0007231334
Frankfurt Stock Exchange, Prime Standard Segment


Preliminary annual result/dividend

Sixt achieves highest pre-tax profit in 2011 – dividend increase planned


Pullach, 15 March 2012 – In 2011 the Sixt Group recorded a very gratifying business performance and generated the best result in the Company’s history. According to preliminary calculations, the Group’s earnings before taxes (EBT), the key earnings figure of the international mobility service provider, increased 35.8% to EUR 138.9 million
(2010: EUR 102.3 million) and consolidated profit went up by 37.8% to EUR 97.5 million (2010: EUR 70.7 million). This good earnings development is due to the strong demand for mobility services, generally stable rental prices, the consistent focus on margin improvements, the progress made in the foreign expansion as well as further efficiency gains throughout the Group.

Rental revenue (excluding other revenue from rental business) increased by 10.9% in 2011 to EUR 895.7 million
(2010: EUR 807.5 million). Revenue rose both at home in Germany (+7.2%) as well as abroad in Europe (+19.5%). The Leasing Business Unit recorded revenue of EUR 393.5 million, which was almost in line with last year’s level (2010: EUR 403.5 million; -2.5%). All in all, the Sixt Group reports consolidated revenues of EUR 1.56 billion for 2011, 1.7% more than the year before (EUR 1.54 billion).

The Managing Board proposes to the Supervisory Board and the Annual General Meeting that for the financial year 2011 a dividend of EUR 0.60 should be paid per ordinary share and EUR 0.62 per preference share, plus a bonus of EUR 0.15 for each share category. The year before EUR 0.50 had been paid for each ordinary share and EUR 0.51 for each preference share, plus a bonus of EUR 0.20 for each class of shares (previous year’s figures have been adjusted to the doubled number of shares in the reporting year).

Though Sixt is operatively and financially well equipped, the Company is readying itself for a more difficult year in 2012, given the general expectation of a global economic slowdown. The Managing Board considers a further increase in rental revenues and growth in leasing sales possible, but also reckons with higher operative costs. Though Sixt expects to see another good earnings position in 2012, because of the macroeconomic risks the high earnings level of 2011 will be hard to repeat.

Sixt Aktiengesellschaft
Frank Elsner
Sixt Central Press Office
T +49 – 89 – 992 496 – 30
F +49 – 89 – 992 496 – 32
E-Mail: pressrelations(at)

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